In vitro fertilization allows the detection of all kinds of features that are transferred to the baby. For example, by determining the sex of the baby, the inheritance of the disease is prevented in patients with hemophilia. Similarly, Duchenne muscular disease is easily prevented by sex determination in muscular atrophy. In repetitive abortions, chromosome analysis with PGD helps us to detect common chromosomal disorders (various trisomy and monosomy) and helps us to prevent miscarriage. In Down’s syndrome, the embryo carrying an extra  chromosome with PGD is prevented by giving the embrion, which is completely healthy, having correct number of chromosome of 21, and not having a disabled child..

You see 23 pairs of chromosomes. The last two pairs are sex chromosomes. Y and X. This pair of chromosomes determines whether the baby is a girl or a boy. If X and X are girls, Y and X are born boys . Let’s examine the sex chromosomes because it’s easy to understand. other chromosomes, except sex chromosomes are also separated and examined in the same way.

We examine the last double chromosome again. The last pair of chromosomes appear in the magnifier. It seems to be X and X. So the baby will be a girl. If the family has hemophilia disease and their born baby boy is sick; X and X for the family to have a healthy baby (ie baby girl) is selected.
We examine the last double chromosome again. The last pair of chromosomes appear in the magnifier. It seems to be Y and X. So the baby will be a boy . If the family has Turner disease and their born baby girl is sick; Y and X for the family to have a healthy baby (ie baby boy) is selected.

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